I need ideas on what to make or buy for supper. what's on your menu tonight?
Spam, spam and more spam. Spam, beans and spam. Spam baked. Spam boilded. Spam and more baked beans. I trying to rid myself of all my Hurricane Ike emergency rations.
Oh how nice it is to be appreciated... and such high praise too, coming from a man of impeccable taste for the wicked, such as yereslf.
Hmmmm! Me thinks you might be getting rid of more than just Hurricaine Ike emergency rations... neighbours and other household members come immediately to mind.
Erk is going to have a good ol' hamburger with the lot, with double egg & extra onions
Some chicken and a Coke I guess
i ordered a pizza
I'll gladly help you finish any leftovers!
lol sorry but i gave the last two pieces to the pups. maybe next time, tho.
That's okay. I just got excited over pizza! I'm a pizza freak!
Yes, yes you are.
I almost had deer last night. Twice. After the first one leaped over my hood, I was all jittery and sh^t, and about 200 feet down the road, another one came tearing out of the hedge. I hit the WOAH peddle, locked up the tires and just about pissed myself. Lucky me, the tasty steak didn't stop in the road and me and my pony are fine. I was all paranoid the rest of that road though, drove about 30 the next 2 miles till I got off of it.
Don't mess with me, Mess! Or I'll send more deer after you! Watchit!
Tonight is raid the fridge and fend for myself night, or so my wife says.
Stupid quadrapeds anyways...they don't even have thumbs! Can you believe that??!!
Vegetarian tacos! My daughter loves taco night!
That shows the wrong emoticon..it should be the new version of: ": d" for the first one. As soon as it posts, it changes.....so odd....
Chicken and cheese enchiladas. Rice and beans on the side not in the enchilada.
Just veggies or that crappy psuedo meat?