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Library Moderation (or lack thereof)
Can anything be done?
Published on January 4, 2005 By
WinCustomize Site Issues
It has to come to the attention of some of us that only the wallpaper library is moderated for quality. In my opinion, it is painfully obvious that the same moderation standards should be applied to numerous other libraries on WC. I completely understand the thinking that the more skins available here, the more likely folks will be drawn to WC from other sites. But, on the other hand, people from other sites come to WC, scroll through 2 pr 3 pages of skins in a library or two, and go post elsewhere that there are nothing but 'crap' skins on WC. If a high standard of moderation can be applied to one library, why can't it be applied to all libraries? A couple examples are the CXP library and the OD library. There are some absolutely fantastic entries in each of those but there are some equally horrible entries. In the OD library, I imagine it's very possible to find almost exact duplicates of some icons/png's. If a quality standard such as the one used to moderate the wallpapers was used in these two libraries alone, 25% of the items posted would not be there, in my opinion. I'm not implying that I am the 'know it all art critic'. You can read the comments on some of these skins and see that quite a few people agree. Have a wonderful day, everyone
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Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 05, 2005
Night Train
I also believe this thread was started because of a certain individual.And when you say that Future newbie skinners shouldn't be punished for others lack of judgement. I give you a thumbs up on that.I think that if more RESPECT was shown to all, that this would profit us all as a community.
on Jan 05, 2005
I don't know where I really sit on this topic. On the one hand I understand the desire to have perhaps a bit more moderation. It does help. My first wall I uploaded was rejected. I was bummed at first, but was able to go back, look at it and see where I could have done better. My next two were accepted, so I think the process helped some.
At the same time I can see how moderating every single library can be difficult and too onerous a task. Also, I have seen folks who uploaded something that was not great, took the comments they received, and did better work. Sadly there are some individuals who don't do that, but it would be a shame to punish greenies like myself and prevent us from getting valuable feedback because of a few trolls.
Meh, I am rambling.
on Jan 05, 2005
Future newbie skinners shouldn't be punished for others lack of judgement.
Thank you
(one of my personal fav skinners)for sticking up for us "NEWBIES." As a complete newcomber to all of this I cast my vote on just about every comment I read....
I know my taste (and thank the good Lord for this) isn't the same as the next guys is...and I've downloaded some stuff that should be against the law...at least in the lower 48...and some from the GUI OLYMPICS...which caught me off-guard.
I've been here since 1st of November...submitted 14 skins (8 walls) and have yet to see any make it to the BIG SHOW...and while that's VERY FRUSTRATING
at times...it drives me to take the next step and produce that 1 ROLLS ROYCE instead of 20 Hyundai's.
Someone above me said it best...this is "supposed to be the ELITE" and if you've surfed the web like I have for these sites....you'll know 1 thing for sure....
despite it's few shortcomings!!!
on Jan 05, 2005
Thanks SD... I'm funny like that. I think I've changed my icon 3 times already... 'tis the nature of us GUI customizers... get bored with the same old thing quickly.
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